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"Someone in New York finally put me on a panel: Consolidation and its adverse effects on the arts & cultural exchange" [US] - 2017

Remarks delivered by Kevin Doyle on June 13, 2017 at Vanderbilt Hall & Greenberg Lounge at New York University School of Law as part of the 2017 Asian Cultural Council Forum: Making the Case for Cultural Exchange. I participated on the Opening Panel -- “The Importance of Cultural Exchange” -- with Barbara Lanciers (Trust for Mutual Understanding),  Erin Johnson (Stanford University), Robyn Busch (Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation), and Hussein Rashid (Barnard College). The 2017 ACC Forum: Making the Case for Cultural Exchange was presented from June 12-14, 2017 by the Asian Cultural Council and the John Brademas Center of New York University, with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation.

Originally published in diggit magazine (NL) in 2017.

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